History for our Times
One of the fascinating aspects of entering a discussion with those of socialist/ leftist/ secular/ communist persuasion is that they immediately ascend to the peak of morality and forever look down upon you. For every attempt that you may make of raising facts is met with a sledgehammer which is rammed down your throat in the name of the proletariat. They draw their strength so they say from the aspirations of the downtrodden who must forever be kept there so that their voice( the leftists) can remain relevant. Contrary to what people may believe their secularism is actually a product of their atheism. A system whereby religion must forever be kept in the church and not the state. Dont miss the irony for everything else is of and for the collective( the mai- baap STATE) including your right to life and privacy.
But the part that is unbelievable is how splendidly history is shaped or narrated in a way so as to further their cause. Thus in popular discourse and the BIG media you would regularly hear words like Fascist, goebbels et al. In any debate these words immediately elevate the neo- leftists above those who might disagree with their point of view. It also helps them evolve a consensus against the Right whereby any effort to understand the complexities of today's India with an eye on the past are instantly drowned out.
Those on the left however prevent words like Gulag, Stasi or NKVD ever entering the popular jargon. These were bywords for the hell that the socialist countries actually were for their own citizens and could be relevant to the attempts of our government to regulate what we eat, see or write much more than the words currently used.
Our own left wing has had a chequered past; be it the ambivalence on Chinese aggression in 1962 or outright support to the emergency. These have slickly been ushered out of not just BIG media TV debates but even the collective memory.
But why I am writing about this. Well my facebook feed is crammed these days with either achhe din memes or opinion pieces from sundry NGO, jholawals all ranting against our PM. Just wanted to give these neo- leftists an insight.
Those ranged against right wing forces must remember that post world war 2 more people were killed in forced labour camps and famines of the socialist wolrd than anywhere else. Its not enough to not be killing in the name of religion, neither are a million deaths just a statistic.
Those on the left however prevent words like Gulag, Stasi or NKVD ever entering the popular jargon. These were bywords for the hell that the socialist countries actually were for their own citizens and could be relevant to the attempts of our government to regulate what we eat, see or write much more than the words currently used.
Our own left wing has had a chequered past; be it the ambivalence on Chinese aggression in 1962 or outright support to the emergency. These have slickly been ushered out of not just BIG media TV debates but even the collective memory.
But why I am writing about this. Well my facebook feed is crammed these days with either achhe din memes or opinion pieces from sundry NGO, jholawals all ranting against our PM. Just wanted to give these neo- leftists an insight.
Those ranged against right wing forces must remember that post world war 2 more people were killed in forced labour camps and famines of the socialist wolrd than anywhere else. Its not enough to not be killing in the name of religion, neither are a million deaths just a statistic.